Principle of Quantum Healing
Everything is composed of energy. Everything we can see, even the invisible thoughts and minds is energy. When all energy and matter are reduced to their original unit, it is the so-called quantum.
Our body is composed of a large amount of information carried by the material plane (body cells) and energy field. The level involved in quantum healing is mainly to repair errors derived from cells and energy fields. This involves mistakes in personal consciousness, thoughts that accumulate for many generations(past lives), and the body’s possible future pathological changes due to long-term bad habits.
Maybe you never know what happens in sleep, you may not be able to “consciously” manage immune function, but through quantum healing, you can help explore the “unconscious” deep problems.
Imagine that countless invisible information is being intertwined and transmitted above our heads. Your body may respond to this. Your anxiety may reveal some clues, which are not completely perceivable at the level of personal consciousness. At this time, it is healed by quantum healing. You can explore further.
What is used in this course is to combine the concepts of neuroscience and quantum , focusing on exploring and improving the problems of personal consciousness and unconsciousness, and at the same time creating more synchronicity in communication with the universe.
Quantum Healing welcomes consultation on anything (except investment). With a scientific definition, it is pointed out that when the individual is in a state of harmony and efficiency constituted by the best operation, it is the so-called “happiness.”
The goal of Quantum Healing is to allow every friend who receives healing to achieve a peaceful and comfortable state of happiness.